Phoenix Collegiate

Message from the Head

Dear Year 9 Student,

As I am sure, you are aware, very soon you will be asked to consider what subjects you would like to study in Key Stage 4. Whilst the subjects English, Maths and Science are compulsory, other subjects are not , you will have to choose three option subjects that you would like to study after year 9. Choosing the subjects that you will study in Key Stage 4 is an exciting and thought-provoking activity; for the first time in your school life, you will get to choose some of what you will study for the next two years! Think carefully before making your option choices and make sure that you discuss your preferences with your parents / carers and teachers.

The curriculum at Phoenix is designed to give you the opportunity to develop to your fullest potential academically, personally and socially. We aim to provide a broad, balanced and meaningful curriculum, which is personalised to your needs; a curriculum that will prepare you for the Sixth Form, Higher Education and your career. We are delighted to be able to offer a wide range of qualifications including both academic and vocational. We aim to provide clear progression routes to post-16 education and employment for all students.

This booklet contains details of Year 9 courses available at Phoenix and is for students, parents / carers to read together.

Due to the current situation with Covid there will be no option evening this year, however the students will have assemblies to explain the process to them, along with a week of dedicated tutor time, all is explained in the following pages. We have also set up a chat like feature should any parents/carers have subject specific questions that they would like to talk to about with the subject leader, or any general option query, please Click Here for the link.

It is anticipated that all students will opt for at least one of the English Baccalaureate subjects – History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language, Computer Science or Separate Science.

Don’t worry about making any decisions today! Gather lots of information about the subjects on offer and read it carefully before making your option choices.

Please note: forms must be completed by 3.00pm on Friday 28h February 2025.

Please also feel free to discuss any concerns with your tutor, subject teacher, Head of House or member of the School Leadership Team.

We hope you find the information useful in helping you and your child make the most informed decision on their courses