Home Learning
Here at Phoenix, we expect all students to complete their home learning to develop mastery of skills and knowledge, independence, personal organisation and self-discipline.
The expectation is that each night a KS3 student will spend between 30-60 minutes, a KS4 students will spend 60-90 and KS5 student will spend 90-120 minutes on teacher set and self-guided home learning.
Hard work at both school and home leads to success because it supports the curriculum, reinforces skills and knowledge learnt in school. Home learning has been proven to help students meet or exceed target grades.
Home Learning is set to:
1. Review past learning so that students can recall knowledge quicker
2. Consolidate present learning to improve student confidence of the material
3. Research future learning to develop student independence and extension or enrichment of the curriculum.
The school will aim to:
• Regularly set and monitor home learning
• Reward students with merits for completed home learning
• Contact parents/carers with concerns
Expectations for students:
• Write down your home learning in your planner and due date
• Study away from distractions
• Create a comfortable workspace
• Concentrate on one task at a time
• Reward yourself when you have completed a difficult task
• Always let the teacher know as early as possible if you have any difficulties in completing the tasks set
• Seek support from teachers or home learning clubs if required
• Meet deadlines set
Expectations for parents/carers:
• Discuss home learning regularly with your child
• Check and sign your child’s planner each week
• Support your child to study away from distractions in a comfortable workplace
• Monitor home learning rewards and issues via ClassCharts
Self- guided learning could be:
- Revise using Knowledge Organisers (Link to Knowledge organiser page on website)
- Watch videos and answer questions on GCSEPod
- Produce flashcards to self-test
- Produce mind maps of topics from memory
- Complete BBC Bitesize quizzes
- Complete Oak National Academy lessons
- Complete courses on Seneca Learning (ask teacher for guidance)
- Read, newspapers, fiction/non-fiction books, comics, magazines, websites
- Watch documentaries, plays, films of books and the news
- Create drawings of what you can remember from lessons.